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Dixons Allerton Academy

Post-16 Open Evening on Thursday 3rd April 4:30- 6:30pm Read More

Year 6 transition

Welcome to Dixons Allerton Academy

We are delighted that you have been offered a place at Dixons Allerton Academy and we look forward to welcoming the Class of 2029 (current Year 6 students) and their families into our academy. Over the coming weeks, we will get to know students and their families so we discover what will help each and every student be successful during their time at Dixons Allerton. Before we break for summer the Year 7 pastoral team will make contact with each family to answer any questions and provide any necessary support.

Click link to apply - Enrolment Form:


Thank you to those families who have returned the Student enrolment form, ICT and e-safety form and Home / Academy agreement in the stamped addressed envelope. It is vital that these documents are returned to us promptly - copies are available to download at the bottom of the page.

We aim to make the transition process for scholars as seamless as possible and to support this we have several events that take place over the course of the academic year to facilitate this and further information is provided below.

  • Transition Evening – This evening is designed to help parents/carers and student prepare for the new academic year by providing information on behaviour and uniform policies and expectations for September. There is also the opportunity to purchase uniform and meet key members of staff such as the Year 7 Pastoral Team, Your Advisor and members of the Senior Leadership Team.
  • Additional Transition Days – We also hold additional transition days for scholars who require extra support. These days are designed, but are not exclusive to scholars who have Special Educations Needs or Disabilities, scholars who have a heightened sense of anxiety about commencing secondary school and scholars who require additional support with the new structure and procedures of a secondary school environment. If you/your child feels an additional transition day is required, please contact us by emailing -

We appreciate that families find this time of year daunting and we have provided a range of key information below including the following:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Key Transition Staff
  • The Academy Day
  • Uniform and Equipment Expectations
  • Curriculum Model
Important Transition Dates
New Intake Parents' Evening - Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Additional Transition Day - Wednesday 26th June 2024
Start of Term -Monday 2 September 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I get in touch if I have any concerns regarding transition?

Email and a member of our team will be in touch.

What are the core values at Dixons Allerton?

At DAA we have three key values: Happiness, Industry, Responsibility. These values underpin everything we do at the academy and are the key principles we make decisions based upon.

Can I buy breakfast at Dixons Allerton?

Yes, every morning we provide a free breakfast for students between 7.45am - 8.15am for students that arrive at the academy. This is provided in conjunction with The Magic Breakfast and there is no charge to students.

Will I have homework?

Every student at Dixons Allerton hands in core homework each morning. In addition, other homework will be set in lessons.

Will I get a correction if I do not hand in my homework?

Starting a new school will mean Year 7 student will have a lot of new things to remember. Your advisor will help you be organised so you know exactly what you have to hand in and when. You will be given a short period of time before corrections are issued for not handing in your homework. Your advisor or director of progress and achievement (DPA) will always remind you of our routines and expectations.

What time can I arrive at school?

Students can arrive at school from 7:45am. The dining hall (free breakfast available) and the Library are open for students to use.

Are there after school activities I can do?

There will be clubs and activities on most nights after school. The library is open until 4:30pm. You, as a scholar, are responsible for arranging with home if you are staying after school, including arranging how you are to get home. If you stay after the end of school you must be either in an activity where a register will be taken, or in the library where you will be asked to sign in. If you leave the school building/site you are not allowed to return.

What happens if I am the only person from my primary school and I don’t know anyone?

During the first week at Dixons Allerton you will be involved in a range of activities to practice our routines. There will be many opportunities to get to know other students in your advisory and year group. Our staff will always support you and answer any of your questions to help you feel confident and secure.

What equipment will I need on my first day?

On your first day here you will be given your school bag, which will contain your PE bag, clear pencil case, pen (black, red, purple), pencil, ruler, eraser, highlighter, mini whiteboard, whiteboard eraser and pen, protractor, dictionary and your knowledge organiser (there will be a charge of £10* for these items which will be added to your MCAS account). You will need to be in your full school uniform and will not need to bring your PE kit on your first day.

*Final price subject to change

What do I do if I forget something?

Being organised is one of our 6 learning habits – find a space at home to display your timetable and pack your bag the night before. Your Year Manager and DPA will be on duty, in the Heart Space, at the start of the school day as well as many other staff members If you forget something, see them straight away and they will help you find what you need. Year Managers will be in Collective Learning at 8:10am where you can purchase equipment. If you cannot buy or find what you need you will receive a correction. If you are missing homework expected that day or do not have the correct books or equipment you will also receive a correction.

What is an advisor?

Your advisor will support you to achieve exceptional outcomes. They will see you every morning in line-up, check your planner, communicate with your parents and carers about your progress and wellbeing and be a source of encouragement and advice during your time here. If you have any questions about the academy, your advisor can often answer them and help you to be a bit better tomorrow than you are today.

What is collective learning?

Each morning starts with collective learning. This is a lecture-style learning session with the rest of your year group. You will get updates on your year group’s successes and attendance, spend some time revising and quizzing in different subjects.

Why do we have quiet corridors?

Quiet corridors are vital in supporting other students who are learning in our academy. We have some open classrooms and some small corridors and stairwells. Therefore, we ensure transitions are as quick as possible and no learning time is lost.

What shoes can I wear?

Students can wear black, leather look shoes that are either slip-on or have laces. Ballet pump style shoes are not allowed. If you are unsure whether the shoes you want to purchase, please get in touch with a picture via email.

Can I have henna or lines in my hair/eyebrows?

Visible henna, lines in hair or eyebrows are not allowed.

Can I wear earrings and makeup?

Earrings and excessive makeup are not allowed.

What trainers do I need for PE?

Students can wear any supportive sports trainers for PE.

What are learning habits? What is a correction?

Please see our Learning Habits video above.

Where can I get academy uniform from?

Uniform can be purchased from Natasha's (price list attached at bottom of page) or The School Uniform Shop.

Transition Day Letter (PDF)
Natashas Uniform Price List (PDF)