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Dixons Allerton Academy

Post-16 Open Evening on Thursday 3rd April 4:30- 6:30pm Read More

Special educational needs

You can find our SEND information report and local offer documentation on our policies and documents page.

The ethos within our school, driven by the senior leadership team and adopted by all staff, is an inclusive one. We place strong value on both academic achievement and personal development, believing that students should achieve their full potential, learning alongside their peers within a nurturing environment.

We work diligently with students, teachers and parents/carers in order to ensure that all SEND students receive a rich curriculum which reflects their individual needs and aspirations. There is a clear focus on teaching and learning within the academy that runs in conjunction with a commitment to developing well-rounded, industrious young people who are happy and responsible for shaping their own purposeful futures.

Dixons Allerton Academy is committed to ensuring that the correct support is available at the right time in a child’s development. This involves accurate identification and assessment of need, appropriate intervention and robust monitoring of progress. We strive to create a supportive environment where young people are happy and enjoy a wide range of interests.

Success is achieved, in part, through a dedicated team of teaching and support personnel exhibiting high expectations for students with SEND. However, the key factor underpinning all provision throughout the academy is our child-centred approach. In addition, we acknowledge the importance of a collaborative approach between students, parents/carers and academy staff. As such, we believe in a friendly, open and transparent approach to supporting the families of learners with SEND.

We have an accessible and approachable team of staff who are committed to working with students, parents and the wider community to ensure the best possible outcomes for learners with SEND.

Our team

  • Academy SENCO: Jodie McDonald
  • Our special needs provision primary phase is overseen by: Sophie McGowan

 For further information, or to speak to our team please contact us on 01274 089890 or email using inclusion as the subject.