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Dixons Allerton Academy

Post-16 Open Evening on Thursday 3rd April 4:30- 6:30pm Read More


As a Dixons academy, our curriculum is aligned to a common set of trust-wide principles which are underpinned by our mission to challenge educational and social disadvantage in the North. We believe all students are entitled to an ambitious knowledge rich curriculum which will open doors and maximise life changes.

At Dixons Allerton Academy, we challenge social inequality by providing a knowledge rich academic curriculum that is broad and balanced. Underpinned by the National Curriculum, each subject specifies, in detail, the knowledge children will learn. We ensure children are well taught, acquiring powerful knowledge that prepares them well for national assessments and the gives them ability to contribute positively to an ever changing and developing society.

As an all through academy, we have considered the knowledge and skills we want our children to have learnt and mastered in each curriculum area to enable them to achieve our mission to 'develop good moral principles and achieve exceptional outcomes that allow ambitious life choices'. Subject specialists ensure the curriculum is intelligently sequenced so that each phase builds upon what has come before and prepares for what comes after. Staff are careful and meticulous of what is learnt and in what order, providing relevant and purposeful learning experiences for all of our children.

Our curriculum is informed by the latest evidence research from cognitive science about memory, targeting and practice in order to help children remember and connect learning. We want knowledge to stick so that it can be applied in a variety of different contexts and situations. Our sequential curriculum begins in our early years foundation stage (see EYFS curriculum) to ensure that children successfully access a broad and balanced curriculum from the very beginning of their all-through education. Our EYFS is underpinned by structured phonics, writing and mathematics lessons to ensure core knowledge is secured and that transition into key stage 1 is successful. Through a careful balance of child led and adult initiated activities, children are exposed to a wealth of knowledge and experiences to develop their understanding of the world around them.

During key stage 1, we remain focused on securing the foundations of effective communication, ensuring that all children have learnt to read fluently and can write and speak cohesively by the end of Year 2. Through a bespoke programme, we ensure core mathematical knowledge is mastered and practiced. Connected by a high-quality core text and overarching question, the teaching of humanities and the arts is continuous and further embedded through the use of enhanced provision. Children learn Science, Spanish, Computing and PE discretely, following a curriculum that has been sequenced in agreement with subject specialists.

Throughout Key stage 2, we continue to place great importance on the teaching of reading and children are taught the skills they will need to be able to 'read to learn'. Within writing, the repertoire of purposes increases and children are expected be more precise and thoughtful when using language to communicate. Children in key stage 2 continue to follow our bespoke Maths programme and learn Science, Spanish, Computing and PE discretely, following a curriculum that has been sequenced in agreement with subject specialists. Whilst the humanities, arts and English remain connected by a high-quality core text, children consolidate new learning by preparing a showcase event for a target audience.

Across the primary phase, PSHE themes have been carefully grouped around a moral focus. Alongside a focused weekly assembly, children explore themes deeper within their individual classes to support them to make educated and informed choices when keeping healthy, happy and safe.

Our secondary phase curriculum is designed to be as broad as possible for as long as possible so that students acquire powerful knowledge that builds wider cultural capital. Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for success in high value qualifications which will ultimately improve their life chances. We balance teaching with retrieval practice and examination preparation to equip our students to compete locally and nationally in order to enable them to make a difference in their life to the world in which we live.

In Years 7 and 8, students build on the foundations and fundamental knowledge learnt during their primary education so no time is lost on re-teaching what is already learnt enabling students form ever wider and deeper schema. Students study English, Mathematics, Science, Spanish, Geography, History, Religious Education, Art, DT Music, Drama, Computing and Physical Education. Through compulsory electives, students have the opportunity to learn beyond the formal curriculum. PSHCE lessons provide students opportunities to discuss and debate.

From Year 9, students are introduced to, and start specialising in, their GCSE options whilst continuing to study a full and broad curriculum comprising of both Geography and History, Religious Education, Computing and Creative subjects. The Ebacc route is studied by the majority of students and complemented through option subjects.

Our GCSE curriculum is broad and balanced with a strong IT, PE and choose from Ebacc - English. Mathematics, Science, Spanish and History or Geography. All students also study Religious Education and choose from a range of subjects such as Music, DT, Physical Education and psychology.

Our Post-16 curriculum offers a variety of subjects at A Level and applied general. Students have personal development lessons scheduled alongside their academic studies. Students take part in work experience in year 12. All students are part of an advisory group and have fortnightly one to one sessions with their Advisor to set targets, discuss personal development and academic reading that has taken place.

A wider programme of students is available for Post 16, with a focus on making a difference to the world around us. We are extremely ambitious for our key stage 5 cohort and support their learning and transition to University, in order for them to realise our mission aims to enable ambitious life choices. Our curriculum principles are available to read in full in the 'why Dixons?' section of the Dixons Academies Trust website.

Please note that parents have a right to withdraw their child from part or all of Religious Education (RE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) please contact the academy via email should you wish to discuss this or if you wish to find out more information about the curriculum.

Our curriculum principles are available to read in full in the 'Why Dixons? section of the Dixons Academies Trust website.